Weekly Reflection 

Week 7 Term 2


As part of our Wānanga activities this term we are going to reflect on our learning across all our subjects.  

Reflecting is a great way to think back about our learning and celebrate the things that went well and look at the things that might not have gone so well and make goals for the following week. 


This is my week that was good.


What went well this week and why? Something that went well this week was Food tech and this is because we successfully made chocolate chip muffins by ourselves with some help from the teacher.


Something that challenged me this week was: Something that challenged me is Social studies.


This challenged me because: This challenged me because we had to make our own graffiti art.


One new thing I learnt this week was: How to make banana chocolate chip muffins.


My goal for next week is:  Focus more on my work.


The emoji that best represents how I felt this week is:  🙂


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